I feel weak in your presence
this unchanging fate we share
holds tighter with your stare
but how can I lose my cares
for you have taken them from there
and made me focus on your hair
such beauty we could share
the love for this air
breathe in deeply my fairness
because you might not be aware of this
such tragic stories I have pull me to that
last touch of our hands on to the land
provided in their palms is love for the psalm
You are that sacred song
Faith in the future is nothing in the past
care for my past it ends with you
a new I stand by you
beauty for you and for me hold the same truth
if I am not beside you today I promise to be beside you again one day
without hesitation, I’m there waiting
on you in every way
you are The grace
I’ve been looking for this place
faith for our love today
maybe love has me too deep in a daze
but I’m starting to see you through the haze