you will always be here
stuck in my mind
hidden behind
all those times
I still remember
the unspeakable things I did
for the sake of porn
and my addiction to
her deadly grip
it's my own damn fault
that she caught me
when I was lost in her lips
life seemed simple
simply bliss
make my moves
that only caused feuds
I made them for you
I made them because I loved you
it wasn't just cause I wanted to hug you
I'm not even sure who this is to
that is the saddest part
with any luck
you will understand my heart
I can't let this go
I wasn't punished enough
why didn't you have me cuffed
why didn't you just let me go
I can't be punished enough
please take my life
if that's what you want
destroy my name
I'm begging you for pain
I must have caused so much for you
I take full responsibility
please don't forgive me