sorry for your loss
if only he had noticed that snake
in the middle of his face
Joe fell for the oldest trick in the book
as he began to drink the venom with his boot
run for it Tom
Joes went too far
oh no he has gone into a frenzy
watch out for his teeth Kenzie
Tom limped over to help out
but end up thrown out
the bar had the smell of a brown cow
at least no one found the snake
he was safe for the time being
Tom picked up Joe
who was spinning
so he may live to fight another day of living
well at least before he was taken away
Missy came close
maybe to close
and let him know he was alone
knowing where everyone had gone
to the bar next to Cord
the club on the corner
where the party started
with fondness in all their hearts
it escalated quicker than you think
Missy was bathing in the sink
then we started to drink
two deep in the sheets
came Bobby and his mistress Jenny
too bad
they weren't finished
it haunts us all to this day
Mendy caught the look of her father
disapproving gazes
left her wondering
when will these days end
she rushed the man standing behind her
shocked to his core
he took this to mean war
the movements seemed
but at the same time
out of control
fans of theirs gathered around
wondering when they might see her fall
on his plate
to be devoured like cake
slowly turning to meet their seats
what a twisted turn of fate
Jess came by
she was a reck
hoping her night would be blessed
by a stranger in red
and tethered to the end
of the third-place spot
no one thought about a lot
she was willing to settle
because she thought
she made a deal with the devil
by embezzling the metals
This issue has been settled