how fun it can be
love is far beyond the horizon
till you turn around and find nothing is surprisin'
and the loving-kindness of light
Jesus stepping on my toes let me know I'm alright
dropping to my knees as the devil games
I kill that away from you
Is a world as beautiful as a thirst for more
something then the same
backs into a corner unable to stand up stable
held back by the barn door swinging into my nose
stumbling forward to receive my great reward
but I don't think anyone knows why we deserve it
we are worth it don't foul yourself
everything is melting the hate away
from the day I stood in faith
I will never let go of you
amazing wonder
I love you more than you know
we have had so many under the control
but oh know
let go of that
so you can hold to your hand with God's plans
carrying you through the lands before time stands
it turns out we are but sand
crafted by Gods graceful hand
gripping on to making grands
that is not a bad plan
it just might end with you crying into your hands
but don't worry you were never damned
you just didn't understand