Collapse into the sound of our lives played out
Loud music came from the man in the loop
ignoring the woman losing at her on game
blame my insanity I don’t know it’s just
without cause, it is us that holds the dust
such Beauty can be afforded with you
Not true
you the one reading
Christ is you
killers to the pain are true
how can we be
the life we see
not hard for the man with the key
unlisted by reality hide these from me
I'll see through anyone being
to take apart their form
and their feelings are what you are dealing
now do I seem willing to hear your killing
the joke that never ends with hope
for it has been fulfilled with his coat
a promise was hope for the life
tide to what is not right
how can one see the sky
black and white
I fight
cutting ties to your old life
I will take you beyond time into the presents
of my kind of life that kills me in time
right the ship before you slip
into nothing like me touching something
that is humming and coming through love
his eyes are above lifting him higher than the fire
eating all that is higher than the tire swing
ringing in the singing is what I am bringing