That dope gave me a heavy hope
like pound on pound
is held around my neck right now
until it comes back out to cut your count
of the wrongs we did this is it
sitin’ on your knee
that’s just me
thinking about how simple
it use to be simply the love of beauty
touchy about who gooey
lucky when you touch me
watch me pull off on watch
clock me with that shot
put me up on God
he‘ll carry me to prog
and find a little frog
who knows not what is wrong
but he knows the song
sounding a little to long
to be adding in that gong
fire up the bong
I’m writing another song
choaking on your dong
cause I’m a slut
and deep in the cut
digging in your guts
to find the happiness that is sad
but not as bad ass that class
teaching you how to get passed
the glamour in my eyes
i don’t think you know I’m alone at night
but sometimes you come to see me alive
but you have always lied
is this not what you decide
