I feel like I am cursed
truly confused about what you want from me
if your trying to make sure I’m happy
im ok being a monk living in a monestary
you might think this is a joke
but it is the truth
I could be homeless living in a box
and I would be happy
i have God what else do I need
God is my joy
God is my happiness
God is my hate
God is my fear
God is
God is in the moment
and I just want to sit with it
and live through it as the trials come
If you want to give me advice please do so
I just like to figure it out by my self
I don’t mean to push your help away
but I do it without knowing
so if it’s to much trouble to help me
its ok if you want to just give up trying
I know it takes money to get places
I know God wants me to proclaim
the gospel
to this world through my art
so I’m trying to stay in it as long as possible
but if it looks like thing are unredeemable
I will actually move to a monastery
and devote the rest of my life to studying
the Bible
and God