holding me by the throat
she throws me to the ground
I stand to the sound
then she crushes me with her crown
how can I stand her freedom
abusing of the sea winds
she steals my weekends
nothing holding me tighter
tighter than I hold to it
maybe I've let go of too much
is there such a thing
that makes us sing
that can make our hills ring
out of the world stuck behind form
where nothing is form
torn in two because of you
hold me to the sky
I won't disappoint
I am here to anoint
you the man stuck behind his plans
just look at where you stand
and figure out the next step at hand
even planned
the world can't stand
still in the palm of your hand
your surroundings determine
your crowning
you're sounding more and more
like you like this pounding
keeping us in time with certain
places that hold happiness and graces
for anyone who has faith
in yourself and in what you felt
